Immanuel Ministries
Jesus My Friend

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Immanuel Ministries

We know that when Jesus was here, walking the earth, that He was very aware of His purpose and that all He did or said was with that in mind. But I think that many times the family of God forgets that He posessed all of the emotions that we do. And although He was without sin, laughter was one of them. We don't know the things that He must have found humorous because there is no indication of that in the bible. But we know that God is the giver of joy and humor.
I love this picture depicting that side of Jesus. He must have looked up many times to the Father with joy. And He must have had such times with His disciples.  Like what the look on their faces must have been when He turned a loaf of bread into enough bread to feed a multitude? Perhaps. All I know is that there is joy unspeakable in the Lord and that He rejoices with us.

This picture brings to mind the love Jesus has for Israel, His firstborn. The Jews were not chosen because they were a migty people, but because they were lowly and there was a desire for the true God.

Jesus was there when they had their many trials and rebellions, and He time and agian was patient and willing to show them how to have a right relationship with God.

He knew that this was the last time they would receive instruction and that time was running out. Jesus wept over Jeruselem, knowing that they would reject the promised Messiah and that they were far from a right relationship with God. But He also knew that many natural Jews would believe His words and deeds, and bring into the fold many spiritual Jews.

This picture makes me think of two things. The first is how mild Jesus is with those who are not yet feeding on meat, but are only drinking milk. Jesus knows that we need patience and a gentle touch.
The second is how much I long to be at His knee, learning from Him and looking into His eyes. I long to look into His eyes. There can't be anything more striking or intense than the eyes of the Lamb of God.

Many times in my talks with other people, I have expressed that the reason I want to go to heaven is not because I necessarily want the treasures that God has promised me, but because I long to be with God. It's like being physically away from anyone you love, you can't wait to see them. But one thing that should be expressed is that Jesus feels the same way. He longs to have us with Him. He wants to greet us with a hug and a kiss and to say, "Welcome home!"

Thomas, as we know, was a doubter. He saw Jesus after he had overcome death by His resurrection, and didn't believe it was Him. Jesus had told His disciples numerous times that this is what would happen, but it was a hard thing to grasp.
It's interesting how we can believe that Jesus rose from the dead but we have a hard time with little things of faith such as, "I hope I get that job, I need to pay my bills." So I have never been too harsh with my thoughts of Thomas. We all have doubts on occasion, at which time Jesus comes, showing us the wounds of His mercy and grace.

It's understandable why the 23rd Psalm is so popular. It has so much contained in it. I learned once that sheep won't drink from water unless it is still. That brought a whole new revelation to me about, "He leads me beside the still waters."  And now that I am older and "wiser" I know and desire the need for His staff and rod. If He didn't correct me, I would be in the valley of the shadow of death without a shepherd. Have you ever seen a herd of sheep running from a wolf? The sheep are dreadfully frightened.
Jesus has been a faithful shepherd to me, carrying my burdens and providing all that I need. He is always close by and leads me to where I will be with Him.